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Ann Correll

Ann Correll is a passionate writer who has dedicated over five decades to the study of spirituality and biblical scriptures. Her profound engagement with these themes is beautifully woven into her narratives, providing her readers with not only compelling stories but also opportunities for personal and spiritual reflection. Ann’s latest work, ‘Awareness,’ explores the journey of a spirit named Beth, from her first moments of existence to her profound realizations of eternity.



Ann's writing journey is characterized by her ability to blend intricate narratives with deep spiritual insights. Her books offer readers a unique experience, where engaging stories are intertwined with lessons that resonate on a personal and spiritual level. 'Awareness' is a testament to her skill, bringing to life a tale that invites readers to explore their spiritual journey through its pages.


Ann Correll’s bibliography includes 'Awareness' among other titles that explore themes of faith, existence, and spirituality. Each book is crafted to not only entertain but also to enlighten, offering insights into the complexities of life and the spiritual dimensions that underpin it. Dive into her books for a journey through stories where characters face spiritual trials and triumphs.


Reading Ann Correll’s works is like embarking on a journey of discovery. Her books are crafted to not only challenge the intellect but also to touch the soul, offering a blend of thought-provoking narratives and enlightening spiritual insight. Whether you are seeking to understand deeper spiritual truths or simply enjoy rich, layered storytelling, her books provide a gateway to both.
Ann Correll

About The Book

Dive into Ann Correll’s enlightening novel ‘Awareness,’ a profound exploration of spiritual awakening and personal discovery. The story follows Beth, a character journeying through her spiritual existence from the inception of her awareness to the revelation of her eternal path. This narrative blends a captivating storyline with deep theological and philosophical questions, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their spirit and the universe.

Ann Correll

The Chapters Of Book

Beth’s journey begins with her first flicker of consciousness in a realm beyond the physical world. Here, she encounters the ‘Companion,’ who introduces her to the fundamentals of existence and the presence of a greater consciousness governing all.

As Beth’s understanding deepens, she explores the spiritual landscape, encountering other souls and learning the dynamics of spiritual existence and the laws that govern her new reality.

Faced with her first spiritual trial, Beth must navigate the complexities of her beliefs and confront the darker aspects of her soul, learning the crucial balance between light and darkness within.

Beth receives profound insights from ancient texts and the wisdom of sages, leading to revelations about her purpose and the interconnectedness of all life. This chapter dives deep into scriptural interpretations and the personal application of these lessons.

The culmination of Beth’s journey sees her embracing her role in the cosmos. She achieves a moment of profound enlightenment, understanding her place within the universal tapestry and accepting her eternal journey.

Watch The Book Trailer

Dive into the captivating world of Ann Correll’s latest literary masterpiece through our exclusive book trailer. Experience the essence of her newest novel, ‘Awareness’ and get a visual taste of the adventure and mystique that await. Let the imagery and narrative intrigue you, encouraging a deeper exploration of her works.


What Our Client Says?

Discover what readers and critics are saying about Ann Correll's transformative works. These testimonials highlight the profound impact her books have on readers, from sparking imagination to inspiring deep spiritual reflections.
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